PO Box 1541, Silver Spring MD 20902 USA / ffolsom45@gmail.com
1964–1967, Pratt Institute, New York; 1967 School of Visual Arts, New York;
1969 Corcoran School of Art, Washington, D.C.; 1973 Maryland College of Art & Design, MD
2022 Artiste, Memoirs and Meditations Fred Folsom, Kindle
2020 “Fred Folsom in His Studio” video; “A visit with Mr. Mao” video
2018 “Going Dutch” WASHINGTONIAN magazine.
2016 Meditation in the Arts, Slo-Opus Productions, (revised)video
2007 “ARTSO, The Emerging Years,” Lid Magazine #4
2000 “The Man Who Made New York The Empire State,”Financial History Magazine. Establishes that the New York Stock Exchange was founded as a part of Henry Post Jr.’s 1817 Erie Canal Plan.
2014 “Franz and Virginia Bader Fund,” American University Museum, DC
2013 “Washington Art Matters, 1940 – 1990,” American University Museum, DC
2012 “The Constant Artist,” American University Museum, DC
2011 “Biennial Maryland Exhibition,” UMUC Gallery, University of Maryland, MD
2010 “Catalyst: 35 years of Washington Project for the Arts,” American University Museum, DC
2008 “Conscience of a Nation,” George Mason University Gallery, Fairfax , VA
2007 “American Icons,” Light Street Gallery, Baltimore, MD
2006 “True Colors,” Meridian International Center, D.C., (traveled 2002 – 2006) New York, Atlanta, Istanbul, Cairo, Alexandria, Casablanca, Belfast, Berlin, Vienna, Palm Beach, Dallas
2004 “Coach Folsom Sculpture Dedication,” Colorado University, Boulder, CO (solo show)
2002 “Landscapes by Fred Folsom,” Strathmore Hall Art Center, Bethesda, MD (solo show)
“Go-Go Bar Paintings by Fred Folsom,” The Arts Club of Washington, DC (solo show)
1999 “4th Biennial Show,” Corcoran Gallery, DC
1999 “Edna Flying,” Montgomery College, Takoma Park, MD (solo show)
1997 “Deceptive Presence,” Gallery Stendhal, NY
“Fred Folsom, Following the Muse,” Artists’ Museum, DC (solo show)
1996 “The Allegorical Table,” Peninsula Fine arts Center, Newport News, VA
1994 “Portraits,” Georgetown University Gallery, DC
1995 “Black Art,” Rockville Arts Place, Rockville, MD
1993 “Fred Folsom: The Shepherd Park Go-Go Bar Paintings,” MAP, Baltimore, MD (solo show)
1992 “WPA in the Hemicycle,” The Corcoran Gallery of Art, DC;
“Artiste Ensemble,” J. Rosenthal Gallery, Chicago, IL
“James M Goode Collection of American Self Portraits,” Hickory Museum of Art, NC
“The Shepherd Park Go-Go Bar Paintings,” Washington Project for the Arts, DC (solo show)
1991 “Art Expo Show,” J. Rosenthal Gallery, Chicago, IL
“Lithograph Review,” Machida City Museum, Tokyo, Japan
“Mayor of Silver Spring Statue Dedication,” Silver Spring, MD solo show)
1990 “Group Show,” J. Rosenthal Gallery, Chicago, IL
“Washington / Moscow Art Exchange,” Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, USSR
1989 “Fred Folsom’s Last Call,” Kaiser Gallery, Governors Academy, Byfield, MA (solo show)
1988 “Fred Folsom at Gallery K,” Gallery K, DC, (solo show)
1987 “Tough Realism,” Dimock Gallery, George Washington University, DC
1985 “The Washington Show,” The Corcoran Gallery of Art, DC
“Maryland Biennial 1985: Painting and Sculpture,” Baltimore Museum of Art, MD
1984 “Fred Folsom: Paintings & Drawings,” Gallery K, DC (solo show)
“In the Tradition,” University of Richmond, VA
1983 “Maryland Artists Exhibition,” Towson State University, MD
1982 “Drawings and Paintings of Fred Folsom,” Gallery K, DC (solo show)
1981 “Crimes of Compassion,” Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, VA
1979 “Fred Folsom: Paintings and Drawings,” Gallery K, DC (solo show)
“American Nude Drawings,” Middendorf / Lane Gallery, DC
1977 “Works by Fred Folsom,” Potters House Gallery, DC (solo show)
1974 “Maryland Biennial Exhibition,” The Baltimore Museum of Art, MD
1967 “FIPE Exhibition,” Foresthills Country Club, NY
1966 “Opus 7,” actor in Robert Wilson’s first play, Pratt Institute, NY
National Endowment for the Arts, 1985; Maryland State Arts Council; 2000, 1996,
1989, 1987, 1982, 1981; Franz and Virginia Bader Fund, 2005;Montgomery County, Maryland
Community Service Award, 1981; Maryland Governor’s Citations: Hughes, 1982; Glendening, 1996; Glendening, 2001.
CATALOGUES Franz and Virginia Bader Fund, American University Museum, DC, 2014; Washington Art Matters, 1940 – 1990, AU Museum, DC, 2013; The Constant Artist, American University Museum, DC, 2012; 1st Maryland Biennial, UMUC-University of Maryland, 2011; Catalyst: 34 Years of WPA, AU Museum, DC, 2010; 2006, A Helping Hand, Five Talents Memorial Fund, DC, 2006; True Colors, Meridian International Center, DC traveled, 2000−2006; 57 Fine Arts DC 2000; Black Art, Rockville Art Place, MD, 1995; 1993, Washington Project for the Arts, DC; Art Exchange, Washington-Moscow, US-USSR, 1991; Self Portraits, Jane Haslem Gallery, DC, 1991; Lithograph Review, Tokyo-DC, 1991; Approaching the Figure, Georgetown University, DC, 1989; Brody Gallery, DC 1987; Tough Realism, Dimock gallery, George Washington University, DC, 1987; Maryland Drawing Exhibition, Maryland Art Place, MD, 1985; The Washington Show, Corcoran Gallery, DC, 1985; Maryland Biennial, Baltimore Museum, MD, 1985; Genre, Jane Haslem Gallery, DC, 1985; National Exhibition of Works on Paper, VA, 1983; Brandeis Show, Brandeis University, DC, 1983; Crimes of Compassion, Chrysler Museum, VA, 1981; Arlington Arts Center, VA, 1980; Maryland Biennial, Baltimore Museum, MD, 1974.
NEWSPAPER REVIEWS Washington Post: 9/29/12, 6/26/12, 11/18/10, 4/12/07, 2/19/04, 9/29/02, 9/20/02, 9/12/02, 3/29/01, 8/4/00, 9/23/99, 2/28/99, 1/7/99, 11/9/97, 8/9/97, 6/9/96, 6/1/96, 2/19/96, 4/14/95, 4/17/95, 1/21/95, 3/11/94, 8/13/93, 12/11/ 92, 12/4/92, 12/21/91, 10/12/91, 10/10/91, 4/18/91, 3/31/90, 3/23/90, 5/20/89, 9/24/88, 11/3/87, 10/23/87, 10/17/87, 5/2/86, 12/21/85, 6/19/85, 5/18/85, 5/11/85, 5/5/84, 3/8/84, 3/20/82, 12/20/80, 9/13/80, 4/8/79, 3/31/79. Washington Times: 9/21/02, 10/16/99, 8/31/97, 1/23/95, 8/4/94, 1/24/94, 9/29/88, 5/2/86. Insight cover: 1/13/86, 6/20/85, 3/1/84, 10/1/82. Evening Star: 9/14/80, 12/9/79. Baltimore City Paper: 7/19/02, 2/26/93. Gazette: 8/6/08, 8/30/06, 10/9/02. El Pais, Madrid: 7/14/95. El Tiempo: 5/5/95. Pravda: 6/94. Baltimore Sun: 2/4/93, 12/7/85,12/19/82. Richmond Times: 2/1/84.
MAGAZINES Lid, #4, 2007; Washingtonian, March. 2018, Jan. 2000, Sept. 1981, 1978, 1974; Mag-NY, cover: Gallery Stendhal, July, 1997; KOAN: Readers vote FF “best artist” 1996; American Artist,Portraits, Sept. 1997,Nudes, April, 1990;People, May, 15,1995; IMAGE, Summer, 1992, cover, feature article; Baltimore, March, 1993; Art In America, July 1993, Feb, 1981,1980; Art International, Dec. 1983, feature article, 1981; feature article, Cover Illustration, 1979. Washington Review, 2001, 1996.
REFERENCES IN BOOKS Noise, W.M. Rivera, 2015; Buried in the Mind’s Backyard, W.M. Rivera, 2011; Beauty Will Save the World,Gregory Wolfe, 2011; 100 DC ARTISTS, Lennox Campello, 2011; Rire pourqoui faire? Derlaing and Labaune, Flamarion, 2010; Art and Soul: Signposts for Christians in the Arts, Brand and Chaplin, Piquant, 1999, 2nd edit, 2001.
TV, RADIO, VIDEO, DOCUMENTARIES: GO-GO Girls Don’t Cry,Jeff Krulik,screened, WPA, 9/97, DC, AFI, 10/26/03; Phil Donahue Show; 1995; Don Juan Painting Interview, Russian (news) service, Julie Brosky, aired April, 18, 1995; Around Town WETA–WDCA: 2/25/93, 12/3/92; Sculpture Dedication: Ch 9 News; VOA, aired 10/16/1991; Go-Go Bar Interview, Liz Roberts, NPR, aired 1/5/89; Still Small Voice, Fr. Owen Jones, PBS, 1989; LAST CALL, CNN, aired 11/14/87; WPA Go-Go Bar, Studio 9, Ch 9, WUSA, Gordon Peterson, 12/92; 3/7/93, LAST CALL Ch 9, WUSA, Gordon Peterson, aired 2/7/92, 11/12/87; Ch4 News, Arch Campbell, 8/11/75.
PATENTED IN FIELD: #4,840,169, Two artist safety devices, 1989.
BUSINESS: Owner-operator, Art Restoration Center, 1973–2012.